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The People Behind-the-Scenes (:

It's 4 more days to Psych Camp '11: IN OPERATION!

We introduce to you the people behind-the-scenes, the ones who have been toiling and getting ready for this camp ever since the start of this year (yes, 6 full months of preparation), just for you! It's gonna be a pretty long post ahead, don't say we didn't warn you. (;

Let's start off with Wen Shin, our Publicity Officer! The blog that you are looking at right now, is a birth of her creations, and her creative juices don't just stop here. It continues to flow in those flyers and brochures that you may have got hold of during the Open House, and not to forget, the tees that you'll be getting for camp.

Next up is Wen Hui, our Marketing Officer! You'll have her to thank for securing all the goodies being sponsored to us. Other than liaising, and facing some blatant rejections as well as successfully getting the appreciated partnerships of others, she has to lug sometimes huge and heavy packages of nice stuff from all over Singapore and back to school.

Penelope wields a mean DSLR and is our official Photographer for the camp! Never mind if you aren't on your best or most glam during camp, she'll make sure the photos turn out so fantastic that you'll be wishing you were in more.

They are the lao-jiaos or 'old gingers' of the camp, our advisors - Annabel Koh and Tak Wai (affectionately known as Taky). They dispense us with invaluable experience and words of wisdom, ensuring that the camp's a kick-ass fanta-bulous one.

We present to you Elizabeth and Evon, our Admin Officers! Please remember their faces and key in their contact numbers into your phones (best if you can memorise their numbers by heart), because they are the ones who are responsible for the checking in and out of all campers. You guys might have the most 'interaction' with them out of all the other committee members so far, be it during the campers' registration at Starbucks, email correspondence etc. Also, a lil TLC to them every now and then would probably be greatly welcomed and appreciated, as they have to be on call 24/7 during camp (which means sitting out during your fun and games most of the time).

Meet our Logistics Cell - Jian Wei, Lingxi, Terence, Wei Shan, Chee Sheng and Yong Jun (clockwise from top left)! Also known affectionately as our Sai Kang Warriors, because they are the ones who ensure that everything, no matter how minute, is taken care of. From providing the required items for games, to taking care that meals are friendly to all as well as making sure that tees are in their correct quantity and sizes. But they sure know how to inject the fun while hard at work. Oh yes, and maybe you can try to find out what does GGD stand for after interacting with them. But they are a bunch of nice people, really.

Say hello to our Programmers - Jieying, Pei Quin, Justin, Kang Qi, Annabel Soon, Yun Han and Samantha (clockwise from top left)! They are responsible for coming up with the activities that are lined up for you, not to mention the numerous trial runs (and improvisations) and recce-ing trips under the blazing hot sun and heavy downpour. Also, don't be fooled by their sweet and laidback demeanour, they are a pretty crazy hyper bunch when it comes to having F-U-N. Wacky ideas and loud cheers are all part of their middle names, just the people for camp.

Last but not least, get to know our Project Directors - (clockwise from top left) Anthea (Assistant PD), Joel (PD) and Valerie (APD). One's having an identity crisis as some people say she resembles our local Ah Jie Zoe Tay, but she prefers to be known as Hebe Tien's (of S.H.E) twin. Either of which just spells one thing - she's made for stardom. The other one is often exasperated as people never fails in mistaking her for a guy (now what did we say about not judging a person by how her name is spelt?!), but rest assured she's a girl through and through (listen to her, and you'll get me). And the last one's usually known to the rest as a bimbo, which yours truly begs to differ. But well, come for the camp and find out for yourself (and probably catch her in her random unsuspecting bimbo moments)!

After having a sneak peek at our Organising Committee for camp, we sure hope you are all ready for camp! And what do I mean by 'ready'? Come fully armed with all your barangs, a voice made for cheering, your megawatt smiles and most importantly, an open mind! Because it's gonna be 4D3N of extreme awesome-ness! And the best reward for our 6 months worth of efforts would be your satisfaction! See you all on 28th June! Till then! :D






Dear Investigators-to-be,

Want to get a feel of the energy and vibrancy of the previous Psych Camps? Here are some links you can refer to!
Psychology Camp 2009 Facebook group

Below are some photos taken during the psychology camp 2008!